The following dreams occured after my alarm went off this morning. The first after the first alarm and the second after the second alarm.
Dream one: Enviromentally Appropriate Transit
So I am riding a bike along Kingston Pike in Knoxville, TN. Everyone is on a bike. It's the newest form of exercise combined with transportation. Very fuel efficient, very environmentally sound. The whole city has slimmed down due to the abolition of motor cars. I must say I am pretty hot as a size 8. Only emergency vehicles are allowed to run on ethanol. As I come up to a traffic light, I can hear sirens, but not where they are coming from. People begin moving their bikes to the shoulder and I follow suit. After the Fire Truck passes, everyone goes back to their places and begins pedaling toward their destinations. As I take the next on ramp to the interstate, there is a handicapped man who has overturned his wheelchair on the sharp turn. I stop and help him back into the chair. We start talking as we continue our commute. The man is kind and funny and just as he is about to ask me out....
Dream Two: When it Rains, the Apartment Floods
I am half asleep in my bed. Laying on the top bunk of a bunk bed, my daughter is trying to wake me. I brush her off and she falls off the bed. *Splash* "That was weird," I think as I groggily pick my head up and look around. It is raining in the apartment. I hop off the bed into knee deep water and wade into the kitchen. There is a large basin filling with water and pots and buckets strewn about. The layout of the apartment seems unfamiliar and I suddenly realize I'm dreaming! Now this has happened to me before and I have managed to wake myself up by trying to open my eyes as wide as I can. This opens my eyes in real life and I wake up. Well this time, as the water rapidly rises and Rebecca now has her swimsuit (with the nifty built in flotation chamber) and her swim ring on I am trying desperately to wake up. "Is this a dream?" I think. "Are we going to drown for real?" I can't wake myself up, so I assume the worst and head toward the door in search of rescue. As I open the door....
"Mommy! Mommy! wake up!" Ever since she was born, her voice never fails to wake me. Thank goodness it was a dream!
Dream one: Enviromentally Appropriate Transit
Dream Two: When it Rains, the Apartment Floods

"Mommy! Mommy! wake up!" Ever since she was born, her voice never fails to wake me. Thank goodness it was a dream!
Wow girl, you have odd dreams... but i've had the ones where I couldnt wake up before too.
I'm thinking maybe you should get up when your alarm goes off. ;D
yeah, if only it were possible. After I got up and fed becca I layed on the couch for like 20min trying to wake up!
You tell a great dream!
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