Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sex and Football

Now I know I'm not the only one who has dreams about having sex with strangers. Last night's dream was somewhat strange due to the fact that the sex was with a stranger, but the cuddling afterward was definitely with my husband. Considering my husband has been gone for a week, it was kind of nice to cuddle with him. I will refrain from posting details about the sex though. In all honesty it was all really a blur.

Somehow the cuddling in bed morphed into a blanket outside. With a giant screen showing a football game. Suddenly we were surrounded by other people watching the game. I thought it odd that we were here, considering neither my husband or I like football. I actually like football a good deal more than he does, in fact. On the blanket to the right of us was the couple who hosted our wedding and to the left was Peyton Manning. Somehow, in the dream, Peyton was my best friend. I happen to like Peyton Manning so this didn't surprise me until I woke up. At 4am. I couldn't get back to sleep, nomatter what I tried. I'm convinced Peyton was haunting my dreams last night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK. This is just weird. :P