Friday, May 25, 2007

Turkish Delight

For the past few nights I've been having some really really strange and extremely vivid dreams. This last night's dream was something out of an action movie. It went a little something like this: (I write in the present tense, as someone somewhere along the line told me that recalling dreams in this way was the correct way to do so. Can't remember who, can't remember where.)

I am running away from something. Not a person but more like people. An organization of some sort. Kinda like the mob. They must really have it in for me because things are blowing up all around me. I am heavily armed, bullet proof vest and all. This place is a war zone. It looks like I am in the historical part of some semi-large city. Houston, maybe. Does Houston have a mob? Anyway, I'm ducking in between houses and shops and meet up with someone. I know him, he is my partner. He looks like "Turkish" from the movie Snatch. Jason Statham (imbd is my friend). So Turkish and I are running for our lives and we come across a bank. We go inside and randomly decide to rob this bank. With all the chaos going on outside, the bank tellers and rent-a-cops have abandoned their posts and the vault is wide open. There also just happen to be large bags handy for our disposal. So we load up two bags each and go out the back. There is a helicoptor waiting for us. How the helicoptor pilot knows we are there is surprising, but how the helicoptor is still in one piece considering all the half-buildings behind it is a miracle! Turkish goes to board the helicoptor when he gets shot in the back. Thank goodness for bullet proof vests! So I shove him in and shut the door and tell the pilot, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" And he takes off. Bullets are coming from everywhere and as I look out the window, a Stinger Missile is headed right for me. My husband's alarm goes off.

And isn't it just handy that I didn't have to experience death in my dream? It's like my body knew exactly when the alarm was going to go off. It makes me wonder if the alarm had not sounded, would I have even remembered the dream? Or if it had been set for five minutes later, what would have happened? Maybe we would have barely evaded the missile and paid off the mob with our stolen bank money and headed off to the Pocano Islands. I guess we'll never know. I sure wouldn't mind a little Island time with Turkish, though. :)


Ima Wurdibitsch said...

That's one hell of a dream. What the heck did you eat before you went to sleep?

Camille said...

Hahaha! I really don't remember now. I have weird dreams all the time though. Thanks to you I've been drinking a lot of wine lately, so it could have been that.

madamspud169 said...

If you like Jason Statham I really recommend a film he stars in called Crank. It's high action, violent and really funny. It's my number one film.

masque said...

The bit at the end where you're talking about the alarm clock reminds me of this bit from John Dies at the End: